Beata Mostafavi
Public Relations Manager

Mostafavi leads media relations and content creation for University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital. Prior to joining Michigan Medicine in 2012, Mostafavi spent 10 years as a journalist. Contact: [email protected]

Beata Mostafavi photo
girl looking with medical employee
Health Lab
Adolescents, young adults with advanced heart disease show desire to take active role in medical care decisions
New research from U-M shows that adolescents, young adults with advanced heart disease want to take an active role in making medical care decisions alongside their doctors and caregivers. The study sheds light on the importance of including young patients in medical decision-making and the benefits it has on their psychological well-being.
person pregnant with clock spinning over them in yellow purple background person in red pants pink shortsleeve shirt
Health Lab
Labor induction doesn’t always reduce caesarean birth risk or improve outcomes for term pregnancies
A new study suggests that inducing labor at 39 weeks for low-risk pregnancies may not reduce the risk of C-sections or improve outcomes.
Kelly Ripa women's health luncheon fundraiser 2023
News Release
Kelly Ripa to be special guest at Michigan Medicine Women’s Health Luncheon
Michigan Medicine’s efforts to advance leading edge women’s health research will get a boost from actress and Daytime Emmy Award winning host of LIVE with Kelly and Mark, Kelly Ripa.
mother with baby over shoulder
Health Lab
Same-day heart diagnosis helps 1-year-old get immediate treatment
Unique collaboration at Michigan Medicine helps 1-year-old with serious heart condition see a specialist right away and receive immediate treatment.
teens in different jobs all over yellow car in middle different jobs
Health Lab
Teen jobs: What to consider before your child commits to formal work
Teen jobs: While some parents think they provide learning opportunities, others worry about their negative impacts on grades, sleep and social life. A Michigan Medicine expert weighs in on the pros and cons.
map of the united states rate of life threatening childbirth complications by state
Health Lab
Life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity
Research finds life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity.
couple with kid and medical bill with doctor
Health Lab
Even with private insurance, your child's hospitalization could cost $1,300
Study reveals privately insured families may spend $1,300 out-of-pocket for child hospitalization. High costs impact family wellbeing warns pediatric expert.
vaping hand
Health Lab
Would you know if your kid was vaping?
Nearly half of parents in a national poll felt confident they’d know if their child used e-cigarettes. An expert offers four steps to identify and address vaping at home
holding baby in hands pink shirt
Health Lab
Study shows racial inequities in newborn drug testing
In a new study, newborn drug testing inequities remained similar after recreational legalization of cannabis, overall test positivity rates for THC increased
vial of blood over dish blue yellow
Health Lab
First gene therapy for adults with hemophilia B sustains safety and efficacy
Gene therapy for hemophilia B, a rare bleeding disorder, reinforces lower bleeding rates and improved outcomes.
Women holding their stomachs
Health Lab
Uncovering drivers of racial disparities in uterine fibroids and endometriosis
Researchers examine health disparities in two of the most prevalent diseases in reproductive-aged women through a social, structural and political lens
parent at bedside with sick kid in bed with head cooler and thermometer
Health Lab
1 in 3 parents may unnecessarily give children fever-reducing medicine
Five things to know about fevers in kids.
doctor talking and parent standing by child in hospital bed
Health Lab
Changing culture to reduce opioid prescriptions for children undergoing surgery
New effort responds to concerns about opioid overdose, misuse and side effects in kids; Expert shares 8 things parents and pediatric surgeons should know
Woman holding baby on farm woman holding baby in city
Health Lab
Pregnant people in rural communities less likely to have adequate health insurance
Rural residents have lower rates of continuous health insurance before, during and after pregnancy compared to those in urban cities
girl man woman window standing by window
Health Lab
Doctors discover novel way to treat pancreatic complication in child with trisomy 18
Faith Smith spent nearly a year in and out of the hospital for pancreatic problems. Because of her complex medical issues, the standard approach to treatment wasn’t an option
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